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Launch Event for the Phase II Apprenticeship Program

The Apprenticeship Program’s Phase II implemented by GIZ with partners Tayojobs and JCCI and funded by German Federal Economic Development and Cooperation (BMZ) was launch on 12th December 2019 at Agan Hotel in Kismayo, Jubaland State of Somalia. The event was attended by government delegation, some employers and youth groups. Below is a summary report of the event.

TAYOJOBS CEO and Apprenticeship Program Coordinator, Mr Abdiweli Haji opened the event. He welcomed all the participants and gave special thanks to the attending government representatives, the companies and the youth for their presence. He gave a brief report on Tayojobs previous activities and the current efforts to reduce unemployment and thanked partners in particular GIZ and JCCI for making Phase I a great success and hoped that Phase II will be a bigger success. He advised the youth on the need to train and equip with the right skills needed in the job market. He mentioned from example how some companies are hiring from Kenya because of lack of expertise in those fields here in Kismayo. He said that Tayojobs was created primarily to bridge the gap that exists between Employers and Job seekers and focuses on linking the unemployed to available employment vacancies. He emphasized the important role played, so far, by Tayojobs in improving the employability of the Youth in Jubaland with the support of strategic partners like GIZ and JCCI with the blessing of government, hence our work with the government also. The present members of parliament and the Director General of the Ministry of Youth and Sports is a testament to the close working relationship, he added.

Abdiweli said that the Phase I Apprenticeship Program was highly successful since 90% of the Apprentices placed at different companies were taken as regular employees after the completion of their Six months training despite the hard economic situation the region and the town faced this year. He then explained to the participants how Tayojobs and its implementing partners are planning to make Phase II of the Apprenticeship program even more successful and noted that the inputs of the participants would be given utmost consideration.

He thanked the companies present at the event that took part in the Phase I program for giving opportunities to inexperienced youth and in the same breath encouraged the youth not to lose hope even at such a time when Jubaland is facing dire economic crises precipitated by the Flight restrictions and other political tensions.

Highlights of the main speeches

Dr Fuad, Head of Anfac Polyclinic Hospital

Dr Fuad, the Head of Anfac Polyclinic Hospital related that their hospital took four apprentices late last year and confirmed that they are all working as full time employees now after the completion of the apprenticeship training. The doctor further noted that their hospital is ready to take two more nurses and a radiologist for Phase II of the apprenticeship program. He said that they will conduct interviews and select applicants with good basics and happy to train them. He emphasized how they can’t find a radiologist in the town and a ready to offer a full time job today if he or she was sat in the hall.

He thanked Tayojobs and other implementing partners for their valuable role and encouraged qualified health professionals, who otherwise don’t have much experience, to apply for the positions at their hospital. He mentioned that Anfac Polyclinic is ready to train inexperienced youth in their different capacities.

Abdiwahab Bilal Ahmed, Chairman of Jubaland Youth

The Youth chairman corroborated statistics in Somalia that indicate 75% of the Country’s population to be youth. He mentioned that the first priority of youth in Jubaland should be the gaining of professional and technical skills. He related the fact that some companies in Jubaland are hiring skilled workers from neighboring countries since most of the youth here are lacking skills. The chairman emphasized that gaining skills will tremendously improve the employability of youth in Jubaland.

He thanked the youth for their patience and endurance and admonished them to shun divisive clan politics but instead concentrate on improving their skills and employability. He said that youth should always remain optimistic by setting goals and aiming higher.

Suleiman Abdishakur, Vice Chairman, JCCI

Mr Suleiman Abdishakur, the Vice Chairman of Jubaland Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JCCI), highlighted how JCCI supported Tayojobs with their endeavor from the start and encouraged employers to employ local unemployed youth. He encouraged companies operating in Jubaland to give opportunities to youth and minority groups.

The Vice Chairman noted that some companies like Juba waters are now looking for skilled technicians and plumbers and asked the youth who have experience in plumbing to raise their hands. Only three of the youth present at the event raised their hands.

The Vice Chairman of JCCI, reiterated the advice given by the Chairman of Jubaland Youth that the Young adults in Jubaland should give priority to the gaining of technical and professional skills so that they can replace immigrant workers from Kenya in Jubaland.

Hon. Fatuma Abdikarim – MP, Jubaland State Assembly

The MP said if we are to follow the international standards where anyone up to the age of 40 is youth, then in Somalia more than 80% of the population will be youth. She mentioned that the days when women were allocated 30% of opportunities in political and economic positions are gone. “Women should be given 50% share,” she said to the applause of the participants.

She thanked Tayojobs and other implementing partners for their valuable role in helping youth gain employment opportunities and said special consideration should be given to women.

Abdirahman, DG, Ministry of Youth and Sports

The Director General of the Ministry of Youth and sports said that the government should take the lead in the implementation of such important projects. He complained that his Ministry wasn’t consulted in the implementation of the Phase 1 apprenticeship program although it deems itself to be a stakeholder since it represents youths. He insisted that future implementation of such projects should be shared with the relevant ministries.

Hon. Mohamed Farah Colujoog, MP, Jubaland State Assembly

Mr. Colujoog, who was the last guest of honor to speak at the function, related how the former regime of Siyad Barre used to ensure the employment of youth by keeping statistics of every household. He said that the government used to undertake large projects like Marerey Sugar Project, Mugambo rice project and the like and such projects ensured the hiring of many youth. In fact, he said, the government used to visit every household and enquire about the number of household members who were unemployed, thus ensuring that at least one member of every household is employed.

He said, even though the situation today is far from that, the youth should, nonetheless, not despair but try their best and hope for a better future. He thanked GIZ and implementing partners and the funders for their continued efforts to support unemployed youths.

Jubaland TV broadcast of the program on the day’s news bulletin can be found on the channel’s YouTube page:

The event was finalized by giving opportunities to speak to four members of the participating youths; two from each gender before being closed by Abdiweli, the Program Coordinator of Tayojobs.

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